Listing Flat Fee MLS in Florida with ADDvantage

ADDvantage of Florida specializes in flat fee MLS listing plans that get results.  ADDvantage brings innovation and honesty to listing flat fee in Florida.

We are the first flat fee service in Florida to offer a a Realtor-to-Realtor eblast flat fee program called Street Smart ADDvantage. The Street Smart ADDvantage email is the most respected Realtor-to-Realtor email in Florida because it is all about money. Only 4% and > buyer’s agent commission properties get promoted in the email.

The next big break-through in flat fee came with the introduction of an Exclusive Right of Sale Listing in combination with flat fee MLS called ADDvantage Plus. This contract-to-close flat fee plan is revolutionary because it acts just like a full-service listing only better. Better because it cost just $799 upfront and $500 at close. Whether we handle 1 offer or 7, the fee is the same. Whether you are selling a Miami mansion or a South Beach $3,000,000 condo, same fee.

ADDvantage is Florida’s genuine flat fee MLS service because we spell out every detail of what we do in our listing agreement. Most flat fee websites are not licensed in Florida. Most flat fee websites don’t even publish a listing agreement.

Call us anytime, we are open for business at 8:00am and close at 8:00pm, every day. Including Saturday and Sunday. How odd, a real estate company that answers every call live.


ADDvantage…”Real Estate by YOUR Rules!”